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Hotline: +86-769-85263186

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About us

Dongguan Fucheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

Dongguan Fucheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd (Dongguan Songkai Electronic Co., Ltd) is a professional manufacturer of making, design, produce and sell all kinds of slots, RJ45, switch, socket, computer peripheral connector etc and some other electronic elements. Our product are widely used in PC boards, LCD, Appliance, Storage device, USB Drive, Card reader, Digital Camera, MP3, PDA, Switch, Computer peripheral equipment and all sorts of communication devices.

With the concentration, professional and devotion as our company guidelines, we have established business relationship with some large & medium sized well-known domestic and multinational enterprises, our products are exported to Europe, USA, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and some other countries and regions.

Company news


Selection of illuminated tact switch 12-09

Precautions for fuse holder terminal plating production 12-09

Principle of antenna receiving and transmitting 12-09

Antenna manufacturing principle 12-09

Is the socket safe without a fuse? 12-09

Car fuses prevent cars from starting 12-09

Frequently encountered problems with rocker switches and boat switches 12-09

Talking about the application of optical fiber connector 12-09




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Professional design, research and development, production, sales booth, RJ45, switches, sockets, etc.

Fax: +86-769-85265700
Mobile: +86-13532565766
E-mail: phj@dgfucheng.com

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